3 Peak Challenge fundraiser
Team from Else Solicitors and ADS Accountancy complete Snowdonia the final mountain in their 3 Peak Challenge, all completed it safely, they should all be proud of themselves for completing a growling challenge both in the body and mind, I know all went through the darkside but came out the other feeling good and a massive sense of self achievement.
Thank you all for supporting this great team and thank you to one of my best friends H for doing an amazing job in driving and making sure the team were fed and watered thank you.
Lastly thank you so much to the 3 Peaks Team themselves, with out them willing to go out their comfort zone and go past boundaries they never thought possible Star would not benefit from your sponsorship, thank you all from all the team and people we support at Star. Conceive Believe Achieve and you certainly have.
- March 1, 2017