StarActiv8 Collection Day:
On the pre-booked date of your collection your school will have a local community activity for the whole day FREE of charge. Working with your Sports Development Team utilising our network of clubs/groups organisations we will be bringing them in for the day to provide your pupils with a physical or creative activity. Depending on the size of the school we may arrange upto 3 activities for the day.
After School Club:
With the expert knowledge of local sports clubs, the Sports Development Team will oversee the sports Coaches and Clubs that are brought in. To ensure the quality of this programme either Clubmark Clubs or competent and qualified coaches/instructors will be provided. All other activities will be checked out by our team. This will normally be the same club provided on the Activity day and in most cases the same Coach to help provide continuity for the children.
Exit Plan:
By utilising the same club, instructors and coaches from local community clubs and organisations we are providing the perfect opportunity to young people to find an activity they may have never known was so close. List of Activities: You will see from the list that they are not all sport orientated, our aim is to cover creative and physical activity. Football, Rugby, Golf, Tennis, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis, Martial Arts, Basketball, Netball, Athletics, Rowing, Canoeing, Junior Bootcamp, Music Recording Studios, Drama Companies, Multi Sports, Dance, Kurling, Hockey, Archery, Tug of War, Bowls. With the Scouts and or Girl Guides a whole range of activities from climbing wall to bush craft. If an activity is not listed you would like please ask one of our team. How you will also be helping others in your community: As a school and an important part of the local community, by working with Star you will also be helping young people in your community to go swimming FREE through Star’s Community Swimming Fund, as 20% of the funds will go into this fund.
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