How is the programme funded?
The whole programme is funded through the Star Foundation and your Sports Development Team.
Who organises the Star Activiity Day?
Through the partnership the club or organisation will be contacted and approved by either the Star Foundation or the Sports Development Team, the school will be contacted to ensure the timetable of classes is available one week prior to the StarActiv8 day.
How does a day run?
Star and/or a member of the Sports Development Team will visit the school two weeks before activity/collection day to cover, timetable of the day, any medical issues for the children or staff and any other matters. Star will arrive for 8:30am to set up and ensure all teachers are aware of timetable. The day will start at 9:30am and finish at 3:00pm, times are dependant on your school. Normal break and dinner times will be (unless changed by school) We ask that all children come in for the StarActiv8 day as a non uniform day, wearing track suit or sports clothing for sports related activity or casual clothing for other activities. A suggested itinerary and list of equipment requirements will be sent out three weeks before the collection date with the collection leaflet. If there is an activity not listed that you would like, please let us know and we will see what we are able to do.
Is the club/organisation the same for the activity day as the After School Club?
It is the intention that through the partnership we provide a full continued development programme, all the way through from the activity day to after school club to participants joining the local club.
What are the times for the After School Club?
The times will be worked out with each individual school and Club Coach/Instructor through your Sports Development Team.
Who pays for the After School Club?
This will be funded through the Star Foundation and your Sports Development Team, in some circumstances there maybe a small fee to be paid by pupils.
How many hours are available:
As a partnership we have funding for 540 hours, to be spilt over the schools in the borough and will be allocated accordingly. Each school should receive 3 x 6 weeks after school clubs at 1 hour per week.
Are the Coaches/Instructors CRB/DBS checked?
Yes all coaches and instructors will have a up to date CRB check or Disclosure and Baring Service.
Will it all always be Sport orientated?
There are a full list of activities available from Sport, Art, Drama and Music.
How often are the StarActiv8 days/programmes run?
Minimum of three per year or more if requested by the school.
What other part of the community will benefit from the recycling day?
A percentage of the funds will go into the Star Foundations Community Swimming Fund to help provide free swimming in partnership with your council to young people within the borough.
For more information email us at: info@starfoundation.org.uk