Fund raising for Schools and Clubs has never been easier more exciting or fun. Recycling unwanted items from clothes, shoes, bags, belts, CD/DVD’s (scratched, damaged or pirate copies), books and videos and raising money for your school, club or organisation from peoples unwanted items.
We are one of the only charitable organisations that really do recycle items, turning old CD’s back into new music or films, old videos recycled to make new plastic items for your everyday use.
So when working with the Star Foundation you will not only be raising money for your school, club or organisation, helping re-invest money raised from our efforts back into the local communities we work in, by sponsoring young people to help them achieve their goals no matter how big or small. After all the children are our future….
Through our StarActiv8 program we want to encourage young people to see what great activities are in their local communities so working with schools on their fund raising days taking local clubs and organisations in giving them the opportunity to show off their activity provides a great all round community spirit. Read more on the StarActiv8 link below.
If you are after something in particular please email us on
A member of our team will be more than happy to help.