StarActiv8 Club Collection Day:
On the pre-booked date of your collection we will turn up with our van to collect all the unwanted items from your members and their families.
If you have space we can also locate one of our recycling banks to collect all year round, for when families forget and also so the local community can get involved and support you. There is no cost to the club for the fund raising or placement of recycling bank.
This is a great way to get funds in from members without asking for money only their unwanted items, also your club will be helping us support more young people and clubs in and around your community.
How much do you get:
50% to your club/group
10% to the member or family that brings in the most towards their club/group fees
20% is placed into Star Grant/Sponsorship Fund to help others in your community
This can be collected straight away or wait until it has mounted up and have a massive cheque presentation.
For more information email us at: