Scout Groups and GirlGuide Units
Scout Groups and Girlguide units have been raising money with Star for many years now through out the Midlands.
Recycling unwanted items from their members and raising funds for the group or unit. This can be done by installing one of our recycling banks that take, clothes, shoes, bags, belts, books, xcd/dvd’s including scratched and damaged ones, and videos.
The group will receive upto 60% of the money raised and 20% will go into our grant/sponsorship fund to help more young people in our community (this amount is when we do a direct collection with the group, recycling bank is 40% of the funds raised) by sponsoring them to achieve their goals in sport, arts, music and drama.
Help raise money for your group or unit today, help save the environment through recycling and help other young people in your community.