Coton in the Elms Primary School enjoy their StarActiv8 day, enjoying crown green bowls with Neil from ESBC Sports Development Team. Find out how your School or club can get involved by clicking on StarActiv8

Fund raising for Schools and Clubs has never been easier more exciting or fun. Recycling unwanted items from clothes, shoes, bags, belts, CD/DVD’s (scratched, damaged or pirate copies), books and videos and raising money for your school, club or organisation from peoples unwanted items. We are one of the only Charities that really do recycle items, turning old CD’s back into new music or films, old videos recycled to make new plastic items for your everyday use. So when working with the Star you will not only be raising money for your school, club or organisation, you will be helping re-invest money raised from our efforts back into the local communities we work in and you live in, by sponsoring young people to help them achieve their goals no matter how big or small. After all the children are our future…. Through our StarActiv8 program we want to encourage young people to see what great activities are in their local communities so working with schools on their fund raising days taking local clubs and organisations in giving them the opportunity to show off their activity provides a great all round community spirit. Read more on the StarActiv8 link below.
If you are after something in particular please email us Star’s Be a Star project helps all manner of people become a Star by offering them the opportunity to gain employment through our volunteering program. Over the last 5 years Star has helped over 230 people either gain experience in a employed environment which has lead to employment elsewhere, volunteering in other worth while organisations or start their own business. This project is also their to help young people become Star’s within their own clubs and schools, promoting the core values of Star, been creative and active gaining self confidence and social interaction skills for their growth in becoming a valued part of our community.
Coton in the Elms Primary School enjoy their StarActiv8 day, enjoying crown green bowls with Neil from ESBC Sports Development Team. Find out how your School or club can get involved by clicking on StarActiv8
Rachael and Gemma from Star teach pupils at All Saints Churchleigh Primary Decoupage for their StarActiv8 day also raising funds for the school through the recycling.
Holy Rosary in Winshill Burton receive their Star Clothing bank to help raise funds all year round increasing the amount of money for the school, and the FREE swimming fund providing FREE swimming sessions to young people in the Community
Star’s grant and sponsorship fund is available to all young people, clubs, schools and organisations to apply for grants or sponsorship from 100-300.
The money can be used for anything to help the school/club keep the young people creative and active or an individual towards their training and travel costs. Star would not be able to help our local communities and the people in them if it wasn’t for the work we do with clubs, the more clubs we help raise funds for through our recycling campaign the more money we will have to give out and help more.
Download your application today: Click Here
Click Here to see who recently has been awarded Star support.
Star good quality second hand furniture store’s in Star Derby Road, Burton Road, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 1RX, TEL: 01283 741406 07988897352
Store’s open to all the community. 10.000 sqft of good quality furniture at very affordable prices for all the community.Star’s stores has saved over 100 ton from going into landfill and helped over 500 families furnish their homes at the cheapest prices in the area.
Check out our online store: Starstore
Through our Re-Start project we are taking on people with no experience and giving them an introduction into refurbishing old furniture from paintiing to reupholstering sofas and chairs. More info request
Check out our online store: House of Star
We have a whole list of events each year and if there is nothing for or you cant make the dates we are able to look at other events or dates.
Raise money for your club, school or organisation then 50% of the profit will go to your nominated organisation, the other 50% will go to Star to help us continue our work.
If you like trekking, jumping out of a plane or jumping off a ledge on a bungee, junior 3 peaks for young people upto the age 16 help raise funds for your junior teams and they will achieve a something amazing.
Click Here to see full calendar and more information on all events.